onsdag den 4. november 2009

Favorite Tori Amos cd single photos

Due to the fact that Tori Amos has been one of my favorite godesses of all time I felt I needed to make a small tribute to her by showing some of my favorite cd single photos that I absolutely love.

Cornflake Girl was one of the first songs by Tori that I heard or at least fell in love with. It has a very catchy melody and I've never really gotten tired of listening to it.. I love her hair in this picture..

Again: Love the hair. And the red phone. Tori's expression shows a certain confidence, but I would have loved her to show a little more of her hot temper that I know that she has.. Or at least had at that time.

Mother Nature.

Wow. I never noticed that the arms belonged to a man in this photo until now.. I like it. The wolf and the lamb.

Also one of the first songs I ever heard by Tori.. I absolutely loved it and it remains one of my favorite songs. Especially around this time of year.

Not of my favorite songs, but I love the symmetry and coolness in the picture.

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